What’s a hiker’s worst and most common enemy? Bears? Weather? No! It’s the common, but painful, blister. Even a short day hike can seem like a death march when you have blisters, but there are ways to prevent this suffering, or at least reduce the pain. The key is to…
Posts Written ByPackit Gourmet
The 20 Best Day Hikes in Colorado
These are the kind of articles that keep me up at night. Whittling down a list of Colorado’s best day hikes to a mere twenty is a daunting task. There are literally hundreds of hikes that would fit the bill, and none of them would be wrong. If that comes…
7 Tips for Camping with Kids
Did you switch out the car seats into the SUV? Did you pack sunscreen? What about bug spray? Oh shoot, we need to bring Lil’ Bear or else Ella will be in full-on riot mode at bedtime. All parents know how difficult it can be to just get out the…
How to Protect Yourself from the Elements on Your Next Hike
Whether you’re hiking in the mountains, the desert, or anywhere in between, preparation for the natural elements is a big part of planning any outdoor trip. Exposure on a hike can mean many different things, none of them good: lack of shade or shelter, prolonged time spent at altitude or…
Insider’s Guide to Glacier National Park
Glacier National Park, in northwestern Montana along the Canadian border, covers one million acres across several ecosystems (ranging from prairie to tundra) and the Continental Divide. Also known as the “Crown of the Continent”, this pristine environment is home to more than 1,000 different species of plants and hundreds of species of…
National Parks Too Crowded? Visit These Nearby National Forests Instead
The national parks of the United States account for some of the world’s most glorious landscapes: ice-whittled peaks, abyssal gorges, primeval seashores, towering forests, kaleidoscopic deserts—well, you probably don’t need us to repeat the litany of superlatives, now do you? Tens of millions from all over the globe partake of…
4 Rookie Mistakes Made by First-Time Backpackers
“Where is it? It has to be here somewhere.” I was standing in a parking lot in Yellowstone National Park staring at a mess of gear strewn across the pavement. “Where’s the rainfly for the tent?” One thousand miles away in my apartment in Dana Point, Calif., that’s where it…
2025 Mail Drop Locations for Thru and Section Hikers
Tackling one of the USA’s amazing long-distance trails is an exciting and daunting prospect, especially when it comes to long term meal planning. To help with a little of the planning we’ve put together mail drop maps for three of the most popular hiking trails: Appalachian Trail, John Muir Trail and…
The 20 Best Hikes in the United States
From the Smokies to the Rockies, and the Everglades to the highest point in Maine—and everywhere in between—the United States is full of world-class hikes. Whether you’re a hardcore peak bagger, out for an ambitious day hike, or are obsessed with the panoramic views for your Instagram feed, there’s always…
Whether you’ve decided to hike without a stove or are simply trying to beat the heat, our extensive selection of cold-prep beverages, entrees, sides and desserts will keep your belly full and your tastebuds happy! We’ve complied a list of these just-add-water dishes with water and time requirements for an…