
Welcome to our Blog!

First and foremost — hello and welcome, we’re so glad you’re here!

Our hope for this blog is to provide our customers (and beyond!) with more than just news about our product.  Through our meals and our line of groceries, we aim to inspire individuals to seek out and experience nature however they see fit and our blog is intended to be a greater extension of that.


We view our blog as a resource, a conversation and a place for shared knowledge and story-telling.


Debbie (Packit Gourmet Co-Owner & Chef) is a fantastic resource for understanding freeze-dried and dehydrated ingredients — storing them, cooking with them, hiking with them…you name it!  We look forward to delving deeper into our ingredients, bringing about a better understanding of our meals and how you can make your own and cooking techniques we use, such as steam-baking, to create delicious “baked goods” in the backcountry — just to name a few!

We also plan to feature Packit Gourmet customers, friends and partners to hear their stories and share their outdoorsy knowledge.  We know that we all hike, camp and explore in different ways so hearing different voices and learning new methods of life lived outdoors is always enlightening.

And although we could talk about food (and eat it!) all day long, we’ll be partnering with contributors that will share general tips, tricks and insights into select outdoor destinations — and the safest, smartest and most beautiful way to experience them.  From location-based articles to the basics of how to thoughtfully wash your dishes in the backcountry, our aim will be to provide you with the best tools to get your boots outside!

If you have specific questions or a topic you’d like covered, we encourage you to leave it in the comments below.  Thank you for visiting our blog — we’d love for you to join the conversation!

— Debbie, Jeff, Sarah & Loren

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