“Where is it? It has to be here somewhere.” I was standing in a parking lot in Yellowstone National Park staring at a mess of gear strewn across the pavement. “Where’s the rainfly for the tent?” One thousand miles away in my apartment in Dana Point, Calif., that’s where it…
2025 Mail Drop Locations for Thru and Section Hikers
Tackling one of the USA’s amazing long-distance trails is an exciting and daunting prospect, especially when it comes to long term meal planning. To help with a little of the planning we’ve put together mail drop maps for three of the most popular hiking trails: Appalachian Trail, John Muir Trail and…
The 20 Best Hikes in the United States
From the Smokies to the Rockies, and the Everglades to the highest point in Maine—and everywhere in between—the United States is full of world-class hikes. Whether you’re a hardcore peak bagger, out for an ambitious day hike, or are obsessed with the panoramic views for your Instagram feed, there’s always…
Insider’s Guide to Guadalupe Mountains National Park
Most people don’t necessary think “mountains” when they hear “Texas”, so the lesser-known Guadalupe Mountains National Park might come as a surprise to some. The park is on the smaller side at just over 86,000 acres, but has a rich history and is home to the 8,750 ft. Guadalupe Peak, the tallest…
4 Southern California Hot Springs for Backpackers Only
Southern California is a hotbed of geothermal activity and plate tectonics, which can have the effect of creating an ever-creeping dread of the inevitable earthquake. But instead of living in perpetual fear of the “Big One”, outdoor-loving types in SoCal can take advantage of the plus side of an active…
10 Amazing (and Attainable) Thru-Hikes Across the Country
Weekend backpacking trips are one of the greatest gifts of the summer. You can get so much in just two to three days: a breathtaking vista, a serene mountain lake, a secluded old-growth forest. The only problem is that all too soon you’re back at the trailhead, preparing for the…